Search Alerts in MasterFILE Premier

Did you know that you can create a “search alert” in MasterFILE Premiere?   A search alert allows you to be notified any time an article on a topic of interest to you is added to the MasterFILE Premier database.  For instance, I have search alerts for local subject headings such as “La Roche College,” “Allegheny River,” and “Pittsburgh.”  Whenever a new article on one of my saved searches appears in MasterFILE Premiere, I receive an email with a link to the article. The articles can then be featured on our library Home Page or posted in the Local Interest Center.

For instructions on saving a search as an alert, click on “Help” in the upper right hand corner of the MasterFILE Premier home page, type “alert” in the search box, and select a topic for further instructions.

(Click to make larger.)

Mary Lee Resnick