Do you ever get frustrated with ebook hardware, software, compatibility, apps, uploads, downloads, DRM, licensing, etc? You might enjoy this Librarian in Black blog post (warning: includes expletives):
I’m breaking up with eBooks (and you can too)
August 1, 2012
I want to break up with eBooks. Don’t get me wrong, eBooks is dead sexy and great arm candy at parties, as well as a magnet for attention and memorable experiences. But man… eBooks makes for a crap boyfriends. The relationship is as dysfunctional as it gets…
Want to read more? Here’s the whole post.
Mary Lee (Northland)
Agreed!! The 220% price increase by Hachette? I’m SO over you, ebooks. And I wasn’t even really interested to start with.
Very Funny!
Tom Muldowney Librarian Reference Services/Substitute Pool Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh ________________________________________