Thanks to everyone who signed up to participate in the ACLA eResource Challenge!
Today’s post will provide a little more information about how the Challenge will work. The Challenge, developed by the Electronic Resources Evaluation Committee (EREC) and the ACLA Downloadables Committee, is designed to be a quick, fun way to increase your knowledge of the electronic resources available at our libraries.
All registrants are being randomly assigned to a team. Teams will be announced Monday. The first official challenge will be posted on Tuesday and our friendly competition will begin!
Here’s how it will work:
Each week for six weeks, starting on September 24, two new challenges will be posted on this blog, along with a survey link. Just click on the survey link to submit your responses.
The first challenge each week will focus on databases. We’ll include specific questions to prompt you, but what we’re really interested in are your brief observations and comments, so don’t feel tethered to the questions. The second question each week will focus on downloadables. Again, we’ll provide specific questions, but in this case, the answers are not subjective, so please stick with the questions.
For each exercise you complete you will be entered to win one of our great prizes. The more challenges you complete, the better your chances of winning. Three lucky participants will win a Google Nexus 7 tablet. One winner from each team will win a gift card. We’ll draw the winning names during the first full week of November.
You may be wondering whether one team will really beat the other. The cross-county competition is meant to make the challenge more fun and to help us learn from one another. We’ll compile some of the most useful responses to share with everyone, but your answers won’t be judged, either individually or as a team. Really, the winning team is the one whose members learn the most about our electronic resources. We will tally and publish our results though, and the team with the highest rate of participation will be declared ACLA eResource Champs and earn bragging rights.
Enjoy the Challenge!
The Members of EREC and Downloadables
Can’t wait to learn and do!