eResource Challenge Week 2 – Downloadables

Last week, you were challenged to check out a READ format book through the NGC.  This week, let’s learn a little more about that format.

OverDrive READ eBooks are browser-based.  This means there is no additional software to install.  Basically, once a book is checked out, you click on the READ button and the book opens in your browser.  It’s a simple process, but there are a couple of common questions you may get about this new format.  You may find the OverDrive Help pages useful for this challenge.

Explain how to read OverDrive READ eBooks offline.

What solutions can you offer to a patron who isn’t using a compatible browser?

Try out a READ book and tell us one thing you either like or don’t like about the experience.

Follow this link to complete the challenge.

Continue ReadingeResource Challenge Week 2 – Downloadables