TFIOS – they’ve read the book, seen the movie – NOW WHAT?!
As most parents and librarians know, The Fault in Our Stars and John Green have a devoted following. What could you possibly suggest they read next?
The NoveList database K-8 and its Read-alikes recommend several titles that may be the next big “TFIOS”. From the e-resources landing page which connects staff and public alike to all our electronic resources:
Click on e-Articles (databases)
In the gray box, click on Books & Reading – and then find
NoveList K-8
Along the very bottom of this page, click on ‘Working with Youth’ under Professional Toolbox.
There is a terrific amount of information here, from More Like this (read-alikes), Books to Movies (see top right side of page under NoveList Resources), book lists based on subjects kids might have to read (eventually) for summer reading ‘My kids have to read for school… and Matching readers with books (a great list of “skinny books” listed!).
Clicking on any of the book titles provides professional reviews and there will be this icon Check the catalog for a direct link to the catalog for availability at your library or any in Allegheny County.
Debi Ryder