Remember the Big Library Read? It’s OverDrive’s “global ebook club.” Offered several times a year for a two week period, the Big Library Read offers unlimited simultaneous access to a specific title. This time the selected title will be displayed prominently on our OverDrive site(s) from Oct. 13 – 28, 2014.
The latest Big Library Read comes just in time for Teen Read Week, a national adolescent literacy initiative created by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Teen Read Week, running from Oct. 12 – 18th, “began in 1998 and is held annually during the third week of October. Its purpose is to encourage teens to be regular readers and library users.” Fittingly, the upcoming Big Library Read features a YA title, Anatomy of a Misfit by Andrea Portes.
According to the annotation on our OverDrive site: In this Mean Girls meets The Perks of Being a Wallflower tale, narrator Anika Dragomir is the third most popular girl at Pound High School. But inside, she knows she’s a freak; she can’t stop thinking about former loner Logan McDonough, who showed up on the first day of tenth grade hotter, bolder, and more mysterious than ever. Logan is fascinating, troubled and off-limits. The Pound High queen bee will make Anika’s life hell if she’s seen with him. So Anika must choose–ignore her feelings and keep her social status? Or follow her heart and risk becoming a pariah. Which will she pick? And what will she think of her choice when an unimaginable tragedy strikes, changing her forever? An absolutely original new voice in YA in a story that will start important conversations–and tear at your heart.
Anatomy is already available as an ebook (Kindle, EPUB, and OverDrive Read formats) on our site following the single copy/single user model. The audiobook will become available during the Big Library Read program. Remember, during those two weeks (Oct. 13 – 28) both formats will be available for unlimited simultaneous use. After the program both formats will continue to be available, but will revert to the single copy/single user model.
We’ll also be launching our new Teen eReading Room just in time for this YA-focused Big Library Read. You may have noticed that this new specialized site is already available from our main OverDrive site via a graphic (at left). We’re working on getting a direct link to this site up on the countywide eResources page and various CLP pages. In the meantime, you can let patrons know about this new site and encourage them to access it from our main OverDrive site.
For those of you who link directly to e-resources, please add the new Teen eReading Room where appropriate. You can find the graphic above, as well as individual graphics for the Kids eReading Room and Teen eReading Room by accessing the eReading Room Marketing Kit. You’ll also find additional promotional materials such as Facebook graphics and print-ready materials.
If you want to promote the Big Library Read there is a Marketing Kit for that too!
Charmaine (CLP)