eResource Challenge Lite No. 1
Today is the first of many eResource Challenge Lite questions! Post your answer and/or eResource tips in the comments below and be entered to win a prize! (Comments are moderated, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see your comment right away.)
You can respond to challenges any time you’d like, but if you want to be eligible for a prize your comment must be submitted by the end of the week that the challenge is posted.
Question #1
With holidays fast approaching and plays, pageants, and parties even closer, more and more patrons will be looking for seasonal audio. Many of these patrons will wait to the last minute, such as a panicked elementary school teacher who desperately needs a Christmas sing along CD for a recital tomorrow. The Library is closing in 15 minutes and all of your Library’s seasonal music is checked out. How can you find 5 sing along Christmas songs for your patron with such limited time?