Digital Boot Camp is Underway – There’s Still Time to Join!

ba908138-ef22-4df1-aa68-1d6f4f44bff6Follow the links for this week’s Challenge Questions!
From June 13 – July 11 we challenge you to a battle of wits!
Answer weekly online challenge questions using the many eResources only available with your library card. Each participant is entered in a raffle to win a weekly gift card.
Week Four challenge starts Monday, July 4. Follow the link to join the “Digital Boot Camp!”
Got kids? There’s a challenge for them, too!
Encourage them to join the “Digital Olympics” and win great prizes, too!
Heather @ Western Allegheny Community Library
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Meet Shadowboxer, Lumberjanes and Skink

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We wish summer reading would make everyone giddy and running toward libraries. Not so for all the teens dragging themselves or being dragged by someone into the library, so try…… YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. “Reluctant” is the perfect description. The YALSA Quick Picks list can be found in our wonderful database for readers, Novelist. If you haven’t tried Novelist, give it a go!  It’s full of fiction book information for all ages, and has reviews, reading guides, book lists, book talks, it’s simply great.

You can get to Novelist through (You’ll need your library card when logging in remotely) Then in the Keyword search box, start typing “reluctant” and you’ll see the YALSA Quick Picks appear in the drop down list And check out this link to a previous Virtual Lexicon post about how to use Novelist for book discussion guides. The Novelist K-8 database is also available and has the same great content.

Please post your comments on books for reluctant teens, Novelist, whatever!

Ann Andrews

Cooper-Siegel Community Library

Continue ReadingMeet Shadowboxer, Lumberjanes and Skink

Promote Summer reading theme with Hoopla

This year our adult summer reading theme “Exercise your mind.  Read!” is a great theme to promote some of our eResources.  Patrons wanting to get their bodies and minds in better shape have a great resource to turn to with Hoopla.  A great advantage to using Hoopla is that the content is always available, patrons do not have to wait for items to be returned and the content is accessible during their summer travels.

Do a simple search for “exercise” and not only will you see the typical exercise videos under the “Television” and “Movies” categories, but you will also get music complications that are great for exercise, and audiobooks that will inspire you to get out and exercise. There is something for everyone from the Gaiam videos to Jillian Michael to the Sit and Be Fit Series.

NOW    jillian   sit  yoga2  meditation music

More specific searches on yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, martial arts, strength training, meditation, etc. will give your patrons many options without the wait.  And as always they can read an ebook too.  Encourage your patrons to try something new this summer with Hoopla.

And don’t forget about the great content available on Overdrive too.  Patrons wanting to read health & fitness magazines will find plenty here as well as videos and audiobooks.



Mt. Lebanon Public Library


Continue ReadingPromote Summer reading theme with Hoopla