Zinio For Kids

I recently had a patron come in and ask for the children’s magazine Cricket. We do not carry that at our library, but I was able to point her in the right direction. But that got me thinking about children’s magazines and my collection. Upon doing a little research on the databases, I found that Zinio has a section on their site for kid’s magazines – including Cricket and their other publications for the different ages.

This is not something I had thought about and it’s not a database that I was marketing to the younger patrons. But I am now!


Here is the flyer that I created to hang in our children’s section. Please feel free to use it as an example for your own library. If you would like the file to edit – please email me at bollandg@einetwork.net.



So next time you have young patrons looking for magazines – send them over to Zinio!



Robinson Library