December, again? Already? Where does the time go?
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably so busy that you sometimes forget about keeping up with the digital resources. There’s always a million and one things to do in a busy library, but the pace of technological change isn’t slowing down anytime soon. What to do?
Research demonstrates that writing down your goals increases the chance that you will actually achieve them. The same study indicates that if you periodically check in with a friend to share your progress, your chance of achieving your goals jumps even higher (study results available here). You probably set goals all the time, but have you considered writing one just for databases? Or digital content?
I’m going to try it for 2017, and I hope you’ll join me! The hardest part seems to be deciding on a goal – there are so many options. You could:
- Become fluent in one Mango language by the end of the year.
- Download one piece of digital content per month and review it for your users.
- Spend 30 minutes per week discovering new music in Freegal or Hoopla.
- Search MasterFile once a week for an article on a topic you’re interested in.
- Use NoveList to master one new-to-you genre by January 2018.
- Schedule self-directed learning for a different digital resource each month.
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. And if you like to work in teams, you can even buddy up with your colleagues for some group goals.
If that sounds like fun, why not take 30 minutes with a cup of your favorite warm beverage and your preferred note-taking method to brainstorm? Then come back to the Virtual Lexicon and comment on this post with your 2017 digital resource resolution.
As for me, I’ve decided to face my fears and block out some weekly time to get better at Zinio in 2017. Wish me luck! I’ll report back in future VL posts to let you know how it’s going.
Leigh Anne
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