More ways to watch Hoopla!
This holiday season, relax and watch some great FREE content on Hoopla. Now Hoopla is easier to watch with a number of different devices and streaming services. It is available on Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV and now available on Roku Players and Roku TVs.
At this time, you can watch any items you have borrowed on the Roku channel. If you access your account via the app or website, and borrow items, you can now watch them on the Roku channel. Unfortunately at this time, you cannot borrow items directly from Roku through Hoopla, that must be done through the app or website.
Right now, Hoopla is featuring a number of “Best of 2017” lists including best movies of 2017 on Hoopla. Also there are two featured collections: Christmas for Kids & Hanukkah for Kids.
Browse these great collections to watch a movie with the family this holiday season!
Be sure to check out Hoopla’s help page for specific instructions on how to set Hoopla up on different devices, TVs and streaming services.