Help Patrons Find Employment with JobGateway

JobGateway ( is Pennsylvania’s free job matching tool for job seekers and employers. In addition to having access to thousands of Pennsylvania job openings, job seekers can also use JobGateway to:

  • Construct a resume using a step-by-step template
  • Create a personal employment plan and discover transferable skills through an assessment tool
  • Explore a new career path by watching videos that capture a day-in-the-life of professionals in a variety of fields
  • Improve interview skills with interactive training
  • Search job-training opportunities
  • View PA job statistics, facts, and news
  • Find detailed information pertaining to education, skills, knowledge, and comparable wages of specific occupations
  • And much more!

The website can be translated into Spanish and viewed on a mobile device or tablet. Additional services are available for veterans and job seekers with disabilities.

So the next time you have patrons who need assistance writing a resume or finding employment, be sure to let them know that help is freely available at JobGateway!

-Sarah McGowan, Mt. Lebanon Public Library

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Database & eResource Trainings

The Digital Resources Committee will be sponsoring four Electronic Resource trainings throughout 2017. These trainings will look at both database and downloadable resources, and will offer tips on how and when to use these resources. The first training is scheduled for Monday, March 6th at Northland Public Library and will include a webinar component. A list of all of the training dates and locations will be sent out to einlibs soon, as well as being posted on here on the Virtual Lexicon.

We hope that many people will be able to attend one of these trainings throughout the year. In the meantime, take a look at our eArticles and eResouces pages to review all of the great resources we offer!

–Hilary Lewis Lackner, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

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Novelist Plus is Here

Allegheny County public library users now have access to Novelist Plus and Novelist Plus K-8.  Novelist Plus has the same interface as users are accustomed to but it now includes Nonfiction and Audio-book titles and authors not previously available.

Novelist Plus is a more powerful way to find Title, Author, or Series readalikes. There are about 70,000 of them!  It’s great for readers advisory by helping to find titles that appeal to a reader’s favorite things they like to read about.

Many people don’t know that Novelist Plus can also be used to find topical reading lists, book group discussion guides, curriculum guides, and more.

If you haven’t had a chance, give Novelist Plus a try and start telling you patrons what it has to offer.  And you can boost usage at your library by using some of Ebsco’s Novelist promotional materials.


Dustin, SewickleyPL

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