Help Patrons Find Employment with JobGateway

JobGateway ( is Pennsylvania’s free job matching tool for job seekers and employers. In addition to having access to thousands of Pennsylvania job openings, job seekers can also use JobGateway to:

  • Construct a resume using a step-by-step template
  • Create a personal employment plan and discover transferable skills through an assessment tool
  • Explore a new career path by watching videos that capture a day-in-the-life of professionals in a variety of fields
  • Improve interview skills with interactive training
  • Search job-training opportunities
  • View PA job statistics, facts, and news
  • Find detailed information pertaining to education, skills, knowledge, and comparable wages of specific occupations
  • And much more!

The website can be translated into Spanish and viewed on a mobile device or tablet. Additional services are available for veterans and job seekers with disabilities.

So the next time you have patrons who need assistance writing a resume or finding employment, be sure to let them know that help is freely available at JobGateway!

-Sarah McGowan, Mt. Lebanon Public Library

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