Although Summer Reading has ended and things may seem to have quieted down at the library, services for students are now in full swing. Libraries partner with their local school districts by providing required reading books and other materials, but don’t forget the e-Collection, especially for last-minute needs! A recent survey by Overdrive shows that teachers are increasingly using eBooks and other online materials in the classroom. As a subscriber to Overdrive with a substantial collection, we can offer both teachers and students free access to their library 24/7. When someone comes in needing a book for a “report that’s due tomorrow!” or the like, I will 1) see if we have a copy in stock (they’ll be lucky), 2) see if there’s a copy at a library close by, and 3) see if it’s available on Overdrive. Usually we’ll be able to get them access that day, especially for those who’ve left off their assignments until the last minute and don’t have time to wait for it to arrive in delivery. It’s the perfect time for a “teaching moment” too – I let them know that since they have access to Overdrive and other eResources from home, they don’t have to wait to come to the library next time!
Heather Auman
Western Allegheny Community Library
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