Changes Coming Soon to eResources Line Up!
After careful consideration, the Digital Resources Committee – Downloadables committee has determined that we will not renew our RBDigital (Zinio and OneClick) subscription for 2019.
This was not a simple decision to make, but several factors helped with our decision-making.
- OverDrive is offering eMagazines. OverDrive offered eMagazines in the past, but their service was connected to Nook and ultimately ended in December 2016. We subscribed to this service for a year in 2015-2016 and saw high usage. The DRC-Downloadables committee is considering subscribing to eMagazines on OverDrive
- Two eMagazine platforms are sufficient. Assuming that a decision will be made to subscribe to OverDrive eMagazines, we will need to eliminate one of the two current eMagazine platforms. The committee evaluated RBDigital and Flipster to determine which of these two platforms would be the best choice going forward.
- RBDigital’s eMagazine usage is down. There has been a decrease in of RBDigital’s eMagazine usage since the introduction of the RBDigital merged platform app.
- The circulation for OneClick titles has not been robust. Cancelling RBDigital means we will no longer have access to OneClick. OneClick is Recorded Books online eAudioBooks service, which was also integrated into the new RBDigital app.
Our current subscription to RBDigital expires on November 30, 2018. After this date, we will no longer have access to RBDigital eMagazines or eAudioBooks.
The following staff and customer notifications will be made:
- An email regarding this change will be sent to the Digital Resources Committee Contact List which will include talking points for staff
- An email regarding this change will be sent to all staff via the einLibs contact list which will include talking points for staff
- Notices regarding this upcoming change will be posted on the county electronic resources website
- Notices regarding this upcoming change will be posted on the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh website
- Notices regarding this upcoming change will be posted on the Library Catalog
- An email regarding this upcoming change will be sent to customers who have used RBDigital in 2018
In addition, please consider posting a notice on your library’s website if you link to RBDigital directly.
Please contact me if you have questions.
Thank you! Hilary Lewis Lackner