Miss Humblebee’s Academy


An exciting new resource from Gale is now available on the library eResources page! Miss Humblebee’s Academy is a learning aid for children aged 3 to 6. There are lessons available in Art, Math, Music, Language & Literacy, and Science & Social Studies.

Each lesson includes both a visual and audio component, with songs and graphics helping to keep children’s interests.


Parents can set up an account with Miss Humblee to keep track of lessons, take tests and assessments, and review curriculum progress. With an account, there are also additional resources on top of the lessons available. Under the Resources option at the top of the Homepage, there are printable worksheets, reading charts & lists, and a DIY section that includes crafts, science experiments, cooking projects, and more.


There is also an option to go through lessons as a guest user, where you can get familiar with Miss Humblebee’s Academy and take lessons, but not keep track of your progress.

Beyond the lessons, there are also Library and Music Room sections. In the Library, there are a selection of books divided up between Animals and People, Places, and Things. Each book has “Read to Me” or “Read by Myself” options.


In the Music Room, there are a selection of songs in Animals, Letters, Numbers, &  has, and People, Places, & Things section. Each song is about a minute long and provides a mini-lesson about each topic.


Miss Humblebee’s Academy is a great resource to assist parents in teaching children at home and has been offered to the library for free!


Jeff, South Park