Now more than ever, access to factual and reliable health information is critical for Americans. For that reason, we are so happy to have MedLine Plus at our disposal. From the U.S. National Library of Medicine, MedLine Plus is a free resource for anyone—no logins or subscription fees required. And best of all, information on MedLine Plus is meant for the general public and therefore easy for us non-healthcare professionals to understand.
Those seeking information on COVID-19 are directed to https://www.coronavirus.gov/ (from the CDC) and https://www.nih.gov/coronavirus (from the NIH).

MedLine Plus breaks down information by health topic, drugs & supplements, and videos & tools. There is also a database of medical tests to help people understand what the test does and why their doctor ordered it for them, as well as a encyclopedia to help people understand medical terms and conditions.
MedLine Plus also releases a quarterly magazine, and you can read the current issue and past issues on their website. You also have the option to download the magazine as a PDF—perfect for those using an eReader!

Northland Library