The newest addition to the county’s e-resource lineup is sure to become one of our most popular resources: Creativebug.
Creativebug is a hub for any level of creative, from those just seeking out a little artistic outlet to the tried and true crafter extraordinaire. There are hundreds of classes to choose from and each can be done at the pace of the user—no pressure to complete a class on any specific timeline.
It’s a quick process for patrons to sign up for Creativebug. You only need to provide your library card number, your e-mail address, and create a password.
There are a variety of one-off projects that can be done in an afternoon. If you enjoy a particular instructor, you can take more of their classes as they expand on a specific pursuit. For instance, Yao Cheng is a popular Creativebug instructor that focuses on watercolor. You can begin with her “Supplies and Basic Techniques” class before moving onto “Mark-Making and Expression Brush Strokes.”

Each class includes the accompanying video, but also supplemental materials. You can view transcript of the class or download a PDF that includes the necessary materials and the procedure to complete the project. This is perfect for group work (including library-sponsored programs).

Beyond these class offerings, Creativebug also has a Daily Practice series that includes over 50 topics. These are designed to help users pursue a specific artistic endeavor as a daily (or, almost daily!) exercise. These are less about the final result and more about the journey along the way.

As virtual programming continues, Creativebug is a great way to provide patrons with creative projects that they can complete on their own time.
Happy creating!
Jeff, South Park