Changes to POWER Library

POWER Library is in the process of changing their eResouces line up. They have dropped several of their Gale offerings and are going to add in some Ebsco and ProQuest resources.

The Gale resources they have discontinued are

Gale Academic OneFileGale Environmental Studies (GREENR)Gale InfoTrac Student Edition
Gale Books & AuthorsGale General OneFileGale LitFinder
Gale Business InsightsGale Health & WellnessGale News
Gale Educator’s Reference CompleteGale Informe AcademicoGale Topic Collections

They have also discontinued Cybersmarts

We have removed the discontinued resources from the eLibrary site. If you link directly to any of these resources on your library’s website, please remove these resources as they no longer work.

POWER Library has not announced the full line up of new resources yet. POWER Library anticipates the resources will be available for libraries to add to our websites in late September. We will share a list of the upcoming resources once we receive them.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

~ Hilary Lewis, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

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