I get a question sometimes that makes me smile: “Which should I use…Libby or Hoopla?” My answer is always, “Why not both?!” Then I proceed to tell them about the advantages of each, and how if something is not available on one, you can always check the other.

This is especially true when there are long…LOOOONG holds lists on Libby! Just for example, this timely title that has exploded to the top of the bestseller lists this week. Libby shows EIGHT holds per copy, which means, let’s see…eight times 3 weeks…a very, very long wait time.

BUT keep hope alive and check Hoopla…lo and behold, it’s available now! (Provided you haven’t already used your monthly checkout quota binge watching on day 1 of this month…)
I am often surprised at the number and caliber of popular titles that are immediately available on Hoopla. Take a look at this lineup this week, probably ALL of which are on a wait list on Libby. Hoopla to the rescue!

– Heather Auman, Western Allegheny Community Library