Wilson Databases Now Part of EBSCOhost

At the beginning of 2012 Wilson Databases and EBSCOhost merged.  Allegheny County residents have had access to Wilson Databases such as Omni File Mega and Science Full Text Select from the Pennsylvania PowerLibrary databases for the last few years.  Those databases are still available but have been migrated to the EBSCOhost platform. This is the same platform that is currently used with Ebsco’s MasterFile Premier and LISTA.

Ebsco has put together a handy guide to the transition which you can download in pdf format hereMore information can be found at support.ebsco.com

If you are in charge of your library’s website and would like to avoid the confusion of having to select from an array of databases you can use this URL to do a intergrated search of all EBSCOhost databases:

You can also download logos to create direct links to databases that increase usage and exposure. They can be placed anywhere on your website:

Creating a direct database link is easy. You will start with this: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,cpid&custid=s4663075&profile=ehost&defaultdb=
Use the link below to find the database code that you will enter after the “=” in the url. 

If you are linking directly to Novelist you will use this:

Remember to sign up for next week’s History Database Training at Monroeville or Green Tree.

-Dustin/Northern Tier

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Ahoy, Mateys!

Shiver me timbers!  Did you know that the Mango Languages database offers a course in Pirate?!  Learn lingo, dialect, and more!

Of course there are lessons for Italian, German, Thai, Polish, French and many other languages for all you landlubbers out there.

Mango Languages not only teaches you grammar, pronunciation, and conversational skills, but also provides interesting cultural notes!

 Also, don’t forget about Mango Languages’ Translator.  This convenient tool will translate your text from one language to another with ease. And, unlike those free ones on the web, this one you can trust.

 Remember, “to err is human, to arr is pirate!”

– Rob (Bethel Park)

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Embedded links in ebooks

Did you know that there are hyperlinks in ebooks which can take you directly to content outside of the book? For instance I checked out the epub version of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Walt Disney World.” The print version of this book lists links a link to www.disneyworldmoms.com (a world-wide panel of moms who are able to answer your Walt Disney World questions). The ebook version of the book has a “hot” link which will directly connect you to this website. The panel “mom” who is an expert on your question will try to reply directly to your email question. There are also links to podcasts www.wdwradio.com and www.wdwtoday.com. These links can be useful for up-to-the-minute information which can update the book’s content.

Another example is Fodor’s California. This ebook contains detailed color maps and wonderful color photos which are not included in the print editions. The ebook also contains hyperlinks to local Chambers of Commerce and Convention bureaus. There are also links to local accommodations and  restaurants.

All you need is an ebook and a wifi connection to take advantage of these embedded links.

KS Northland

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Words on a Nook Tablet

Late last year I decided it was time to join the eReader/Tablet crowd.  I decided on a Tablet because I liked the idea of being able to check email, look up a quick fact on the Internet, or spend a few minutes playing a game.  Another key factor was being able to download library eBooks directly to the device.  After that, it was a question of which Tablet to get.

In the end, I chose the Nook Tablet.  The size made it more portable than an iPad.  The price point was also more attractive because I got a good deal which included some accessories and this became the deciding factor in getting a Nook Tablet over the Kindle Fire.  While I have enjoyed the Nook for many reasons, I was bitterly disappointed because currently, it isn’t possible to download library eBooks directly to the Nook Tablet.*  The Nook Tablet is an Android device sold by Barnes and Noble, a book store that has used library eBook compatibility as a selling point for their other devices.  Why wouldn’t their tablet allow direct downloads?!? 

The good news is that both OverDrive and Barnes and Noble have confirmed that an OverDrive app for the Nook Color and Nook Tablet is in the works.  In the meantime, library eBooks have to be side-loaded onto both devices.**  It’s still worth it for the benefit of reading lengthy tomes such as the titles in  George R R Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series without having to manipulate a thick, heavy book.  I also like being able to adjust the text size and background colors on the screen to make reading easier.

Stay tuned. Hopefully my next post will be a success story about downloading directly to my Nook Tablet. 

Charmaine (CLP)

*There are ways to “root” the Nook so that it allows apps that aren’t a part of the pre-selected market.  You can find out how by doing a search in your favorite search engine.  Doing this, however, voids the warranty.   

** Another option with the Nook Color is to purchase an SD card that turns the device into an Android tablet.  At this time these don’t seem to be available for the Nook Tablet.

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