FamilySearch and You
Did you know a collection of over 5.7 billion digital images, books, microfilm, and other records is available for the low, low price of a free account?
FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization and website offering millions (and billions) of genealogical records to the public. To date, users have added over 1.3 billion persons to the collective family tree.
All these numbers are a bit overwhelming, so FamilySearch has put together a starting page to make diving in easier than ever (

From designing your own family tree, to saving your own digital photos and documents, FamilySearch is a great alternative or supplement to (available for free to patrons at your local library! Check out a great guide from December 2019 here).
Additionally, many libraries within Allegheny County have been granted FamilySearch Affiliate Library status, affording users greater access to documents while accessing FamilySearch from a library computer! Allegheny County libraries with affiliate status include but are not limited to: Andrew Carnegie Free Library, Bethel Park Public Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Cooper-Siegel Community Library, Northland Public Library Authority, Pleasant Hills Public Library, Sewickley Public Library, Shaler North Hills Library, Sharpsburg Community Library, Springdale Free Public Library, Upper St. Clair Township Library, and Whitehall Public Library.
However you want to scratch your genealogical itch, your community library in Allegheny County is a great place to start!
Cameron R.S. Smith, Cooper-Siegel Community Library