Marketing Tools from hoopla

Looking for a way to share more library resources? hoopla makes it easy!

hoopla offers an abundance of marketing and outreach resources that make sharing the collections with library users simple. Visit the hoopla Resource Center to find lists of featured collections, digital and printable marketing assets and even suggested post content.

View the Editorial Calendar for tools pertaining to upcoming holidays and themes. Find more general marketing materials in the Marketing & Outreach portion of the site.

Use this chance to schedule some posts highlighting online collections during the holiday season!

Hanukkah for Kids

Don’t forget to check back throughout the year to discover more resources and collections to share!

Wishing you & yours a happy holiday!

– Richelle @ Sewickley Public Library

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Reminder: Libby and Hoopla Changes Coming September 1!

What’s happening?

The Libby and Hoopla changes are going into effect Sunday, September 1, 2024 for all Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County libraries. To recap, the following changes will take place:

  • Reduce Libby holds from 20 to 10 at a time
  • Reduce Libby borrows from 20 to 10 at a time 
  • Reduce hoopla borrows from 15 to 5 per month  
  • Require PIN authentication to the Libby sign-in process

Is there an in-depth explanation available for me to read or listen to?

A comprehensive explanation of these changes and the rationale behind these decisions can be found here.

We have a FAQ document for Staff to inform and equip you to address this topic when connecting with colleagues and patrons.

You can also check out the eChanges Drop-In Session Recording, which provides helpful insight and tips for navigating these changes.

How can I prepare my patrons for these changes?

In addition to being prepared to discuss these changes, you can provide your patrons with the handy eChanges Public Brochure and eTips updated informational handouts.

An extra tip: when you create or update library cards for patrons moving forward, make sure you mention the importance of adding a PIN. It allows them to access eResources and secures their account.

– Derek, South Park Township Library

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Get Ready, Get Set, GROW!

It’s that time of year again where avid gardeners are planning out their summer designs. Did you know that Libby and Hoopla has a large collection of Gardening materials?

Next time a patron asks for gardening books, don’t forget to check out the e-resources and all they have available!

Gabi – Robinson Library

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Back to School – First Day Confidence

Starting school can be nerve wracking for any age, but it’s especially hard for the littles. Hoopla has put together a wonderful collection to help your kiddos start school with courage and poise. Below are some of my favorites to read in storytime! So grab your library card, a reading device and cuddle up on the couch for wonderful read-aloud books!

Back to school with Confidence

Gabi – Robinson Library

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