Embedded links in ebooks
Did you know that there are hyperlinks in ebooks which can take you directly to content outside of the book? For instance I checked out the epub version of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Walt Disney World.” The print version of this book lists links a link to www.disneyworldmoms.com (a world-wide panel of moms who are able to answer your Walt Disney World questions). The ebook version of the book has a “hot” link which will directly connect you to this website. The panel “mom” who is an expert on your question will try to reply directly to your email question. There are also links to podcasts www.wdwradio.com and www.wdwtoday.com. These links can be useful for up-to-the-minute information which can update the book’s content.
Another example is Fodor’s California. This ebook contains detailed color maps and wonderful color photos which are not included in the print editions. The ebook also contains hyperlinks to local Chambers of Commerce and Convention bureaus. There are also links to local accommodations and restaurants.
All you need is an ebook and a wifi connection to take advantage of these embedded links.
KS Northland