Pennsylvania announces new POWER Library databases

The State Library of Pennsylvania has replaced several of their POWER databases in 2013.  The complete list with descriptions is as follows:

AP Images: Over 7 million images including graphics, news clips and news stories.  Content is updated daily.

Auto Repair Reference Center: This database contains the content of the Chilton auto repair reference books

New! Bookflix to begin in late winter or early spring: Bookflix pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic which basically results in a really fun resource for kids Pre-K through third grade.

New! Business Source Main Edition: Contains full-text business information from over 2,250 magazines and journals.

Contemporary Authors:  Biographical information for approximately 116,000 writers.

CyberSmarts: A set of 5 eBooks published by Rosen Learning Center for elementary school students. Titles are Avoiding Predators Online, Playing Games Online, Protecting Your Privacy Online, Stopping Cyberbullying,  and Using Social Networks.

CyberSmarts (Teen CyberSmarts):  Contains eBook titled Teens Stopping CyberBullying for secondary school students

Ebooks on EBSCOhost: Collection of eBooks including nonfiction, fiction and children’s and young adult titles.  Compatible with some eReaders but not Kindle.

New! MasterFILE: Main Edition: A general periodical resource with full-text. Contains some but not all of the content of MasterFILE Premier Edition to which the Allegheny County libraries currently subscribe. 

Middle Search Main Edition: For middle school students.  Contains full-text articles, biographies, historical essays, primary sources and images.

New! Newspaper Source Plus: Contains more than 1000 full-text newspapers plus transcripts from radio and TV news.  Coverage of Post-Gazette and Tribune Review is included but is not cover-to-cover.

Primary Search Main Edition: For elementary school students, Contains full-text magazines, biographies, reference books and images.

SIRS Discoverer: For students in grades 1-9. Contains full-text magazines as well as weblinks, reference materials, maps and images.

So several POWER databases will be cancelled including the Wilson Readers’ Guide and OmniFile databases (they expire at the end of April) as well as Kids Search.  The POWER website is not completely current, but some updates have been made.

Click here to go to the website.  This list is from the POWER Library coordinator and the changes are very recent.

Please weigh in with  your comments… what do you think of the 2013 database selections?  Or with any comments about our databases….