Small Business / Gale Legal Forms Library

Aside from offering a variety of legal documents, Gale Legal Forms Library has useful gale legal forms atools for small business owners. The Legal Q & A and Legal Life Articles sections, listed on the top left side of the main page, provide access to information patrons will find valuable and easily accessible.

The Small Business questions listed under Legal Q & A offer answers and advice on a range topics.  Owning a Business in the Legal Life Articles section has an overview of business planning and helpful definitions.

Also notable:

  • A form search for small business will yield Small Business – Packages, conveniently consisting of forms grouped by the business owners needs.
  • The Attorney Directory has a list of small business attorneys in our area.
  • The Legal Definitions section has many business term descriptions.

Rob Kalchthaler – Bethel Park Public Library

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Keeping Kids Safer, One eBook at a Time.

Parenting is hard. Like really hard. There are so many things to worry about. Parents worry not only about making sure their kids get the right nutrition, get enough sleep, and have clean clothes, but also that they don’t stab themselves with a knife or go running off a cliff. Add in the worries created by 21st century technology – cyberbullying, online predators, internet privacy – and it seems virtually impossible to protect your children from all the threats that are out there.

One way for parents to help their kids navigate the wild, wild web (ha, this joke never gets old) is to teach them about what threats they may encounter when using technology and what they can do to protect themselves. The CyberSmarts database aims to do just that. Geared toward kids in grades 3-6, this selection of ebooks explains in a straightforward way what dangers kids may encounter via technology – including playing games online, stopping cyberbullying, and using social networks.

Being an ebook, this resource also includes supplemental content that books cannot. There is a section on each page that links you to examples of the issues, with a simple two-choice quiz to help kids decide what the best choice would be in that situation.


There is also a section in the main menu area for “Extras,” which links to vocabulary terms, videos, and other supplemental resources for dealing with the issue.


Is this resource going to ease all parenting worries? Absolutely not. But it does give parents one more tool in their arsenal to help their kids grow up into awesome adults.

Richelle @ Sewickley Public Library

Continue ReadingKeeping Kids Safer, One eBook at a Time.

Changes to PowerLibrary Databases

At the end of July, there will be changes to the databases offered by Pennsylvania’s PowerLibrary. Below is a list of new databases, as well as a list of databases that will expire at the end of July.

The Digital Resources Committee’s (DRC) Database Subcommittee will be reviewing the new resources and will make determinations about changes in the resources we currently offer to our patrons so as to not overlap content with the new set of PowerLibrary databases. Stay tuned to the Virtual Lexicon for updates to the database lineup and training information for the new resources. All of the current databases are on our countywide database page.  This website will reflect the PowerLibrary changes as they occur.

If you are interested in being a part of the DRC’s Database Subcommittee and helping with this evaluation and transition period, please contact me at

New E-Resource Subscriptions (starting in July 2018):

  1. Gale Academic OneFile
  2. Gale Business Insights: Essentials
  3. Gale Kids InfoBits
  4. Gale InfoTrac Student Edition
  5. Gale General OneFile
  6. Gale Global Reference on the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources (GREENR)
  7. Gale Research in Context
  8. Gale InfoTrac Newsstand
  9. Gale Educator’s Reference Complete
  10. Gale Books & Authors
  11. Gale Informe Academico
  12. Gale LitFinder

Expiring E-Resource Subscriptions (these will expire on July 31, 2018):

  1. EBSCO Academic Search Main Edition
  2. EBSCO Business Source Main Edition
  3. EBSCO Explora Elementary
  4. EBSCO Explora Middle School
  5. EBSCO Explora High School
  6. EBSCO Explora Public Library
  7. EBSCO GreenFile
  9. EBSCO MasterFile Main Edition
  10. EBSCO Middle Search Main Edition
  11. EBSCO Newspaper Source Plus
  12. EBSCO Newswires
  13. EBSCO Primary Search Main Edition
  14. EBSCO Teacher Reference Center
  15. EBSCO Web News
  16. ProQuest SIRS Discoverer

Continuing E-Resource Subscriptions (these will not expire this summer):

  1. AP Images
  2. EBSCO Consumer Health
  3. EBSCO eBooks
  4. EBSCO Science Reference Center
  5. Gale Contemporary Authors
  6. Rosen Cyber Smarts
  7. Scholastic BookFlix
  8. Scholastic TrueFlix

~ Hilary Lewis Lackner, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

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