In any language, it’s still Overdrive!
There are a couple different ways to find e-books in languages other than English on Overdrive. First, you can click “Subject” at the top and then scroll down to find a “Non-English” subject like fiction, nonfiction, or even more specifically narrowed by age, like “Non-English Young Adult Fiction” in just one click.
The other option is to start with any search, subject, or interest level, and then narrow to the specific language you want in the side menu.
Don’t forget you can always toggle Overdrive to a different language mode altogether, so that the entire browsing and checkout experience appears in either Spanish or Chinese. That option shows up in the upper right corner of the website.
The Libby app has language options too, but they vary by your device and its operating system. Just click Libby and check under “Settings” however, and she’ll walk you through how it’s done!
– Heather Auman, Western Allegheny Community Library