Marketing Tools from hoopla

Looking for a way to share more library resources? hoopla makes it easy!

hoopla offers an abundance of marketing and outreach resources that make sharing the collections with library users simple. Visit the hoopla Resource Center to find lists of featured collections, digital and printable marketing assets and even suggested post content.

View the Editorial Calendar for tools pertaining to upcoming holidays and themes. Find more general marketing materials in the Marketing & Outreach portion of the site.

Use this chance to schedule some posts highlighting online collections during the holiday season!

Hanukkah for Kids

Don’t forget to check back throughout the year to discover more resources and collections to share!

Wishing you & yours a happy holiday!

– Richelle @ Sewickley Public Library

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Reminder: Libby and Hoopla Changes Coming September 1!

What’s happening?

The Libby and Hoopla changes are going into effect Sunday, September 1, 2024 for all Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County libraries. To recap, the following changes will take place:

  • Reduce Libby holds from 20 to 10 at a time
  • Reduce Libby borrows from 20 to 10 at a time 
  • Reduce hoopla borrows from 15 to 5 per month  
  • Require PIN authentication to the Libby sign-in process

Is there an in-depth explanation available for me to read or listen to?

A comprehensive explanation of these changes and the rationale behind these decisions can be found here.

We have a FAQ document for Staff to inform and equip you to address this topic when connecting with colleagues and patrons.

You can also check out the eChanges Drop-In Session Recording, which provides helpful insight and tips for navigating these changes.

How can I prepare my patrons for these changes?

In addition to being prepared to discuss these changes, you can provide your patrons with the handy eChanges Public Brochure and eTips updated informational handouts.

An extra tip: when you create or update library cards for patrons moving forward, make sure you mention the importance of adding a PIN. It allows them to access eResources and secures their account.

– Derek, South Park Township Library

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eChanges Drop-in Sessions

We all know eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines are only becoming more popular. But the way publishers and vendors have designed their services to take advantage of this has become an issue that is impacting libraries all over the country. This is affecting us too, and we will have to adjust our Libby and hoopla holds and check-out limits to rein in rising costs later this year.  

These choices are the result of quantitative and qualitative research, and we acknowledge that patrons may be upset at the change. We are offering three drop-in sessions you can attend to learn more about the reason this is happening, what the changes are, and what you can do support patrons. A recording will also be available. 

Event details

Below are the session dates and times with links to the Teams meetings.

Tuesday, July 9: 1:00pm – 2:00pm 

Wednesday, July 10: 10:30am – 11:30am 

Tuesday, July 16: 1:00pm – 2:00pm 

Questions? Contact Hilary Lewis 

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Libby update will help prevent language confusion!

Libby’s latest update introduces a prompt to users when they borrow, place a hold, or add a “Notify Me” tag to a title in a language different from the one they have set as their app preference.

The goal of this feature is to reduce instances of accidentally borrowing or requesting books in a language they aren’t familiar with. This is especially helpful when a title’s language may not be clear from the cover image (which is often!).

If the user selects “Yes, I Can Read It” from the prompt, Libby will complete the action they were taking. If the user doesn’t want the title in that language, Libby will try to find it in the language the user speaks based on app preferences and past language confirmation prompts.

Not only will this help users to avoid checking out or requesting items they can’t read, it will also hopefully prevent library selectors from having to wade through accidental requests in other languages, and be assured that any that do come through are deliberate!

Click here to learn more about available language options for Libby.

– Heather Auman, Western Allegheny Community Library

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