Novelist Plus is Here
Allegheny County public library users now have access to Novelist Plus and Novelist Plus K-8. Novelist Plus has the same interface as users are accustomed to but it now includes Nonfiction and Audio-book titles and authors not previously available.
Novelist Plus is a more powerful way to find Title, Author, or Series readalikes. There are about 70,000 of them! It’s great for readers advisory by helping to find titles that appeal to a reader’s favorite things they like to read about.
Many people don’t know that Novelist Plus can also be used to find topical reading lists, book group discussion guides, curriculum guides, and more.
If you haven’t had a chance, give Novelist Plus a try and start telling you patrons what it has to offer. And you can boost usage at your library by using some of Ebsco’s Novelist promotional materials.
Dustin, SewickleyPL