Gale Legal Forms for your Legal Needs!

If your patrons need some help in legal land then Gale Legal Forms is where you will want to lead them!


Gale Legal Forms offers forms for wills, power of attorney, landlord/tenant, divorce and dissolution, leases, sale of property, employment, and more.


Gale Legal Forms also provides forms customized to Pennsylvania state law, and includes forms drafted by attorneys for particular legal matters.

The search function allows you to search through three different resource types: Definitions, Law Digests, and Legal Questions and Answers.


The main page of Gale Legal Forms also has an extensive list of main form categories and allows you to choose a category and then narrow from there into a subcategory to search for you form.

At the bottom of the main page you will also find a list of sample searches – so searching yourself may not even be necessary just take a look at the sample searches and see if your form is there!

Now that you know more about Gale Legal Forms you can better assist your patrons when they are dealing with legal matters!


Northland Public Library