World Book Online: Now Added to Your eLibrary Lineup!

For those who used the free access to World Book Online during the time it was specially available this year, we have good news! World Book Online has now been added to the regular lineup available through your county eLibrary. World Book, a trusted name in print encyclopedias for decades, now offers an online encyclopedia containing thousands of informational articles with illustrations, videos, interactive maps, research help, and activities for kids, students, and adults.

The initial landing page is divided by audience (Kids, Student, Advanced), making it easy to navigate to the part of the site that is appropriate for your age group.

Far from offering a black-and-white text block, World Book Online is graphically rich and easy to navigate, and includes tons of learning extension. The Kids section in particular includes crafts, puzzles, activities, science projects, and more, to make learning more fun and multi-faceted.

For older students and adults, it is also useful to have a reliable, current resource to point to for accurate information, free of fake news and even deliberately user-sabotaged entries as in other online encyclopedias. The “Behind the Headlines” section in the Advanced module seems particularly useful to this end, and certainly relevant for a time when Facebook is used more to spread misinformation than fact.

In short, World Book Online seems a perfect resource for users of all ages to explore on their own or in conjunction with a specific lesson plan in mind, and we’re glad to have it added to our eLibrary lineup!

— Heather Auman, Western Allegheny Community Library

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Homework help in the time of COVID-19: is a great resource providing homework help to students in grade school through college. Any ACLA library card holder can access via this link:

Students can create a free account with their library card number. Creating an account enables the student to save their work, pickup where they left off, and connect with a favorite tutor.

Tutors are available to help with different grade levels and subjects. Live help is available between 12pm and 12 am. Other tools include the option to submit a paper for review or drop off a math question.

For college-age and older students, has partnered with the Princeton Review to offer practice tests and video lessons for the: SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT. These resources are accessible under the “Other Tools” tab.

Although COVID-19 has made learning different in 2020, and is here to help.

-Kate Straccia, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

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Newspaper Navigator

The Library of Congress recently rolled out a new research tool in conjunction with their wonderful Chronicling America tool: Newspaper Navigator.

On the landing page for Newspaper Navigator is a great introduction video from LOC Innovator in Residence Benjamin Lee.

Here is a post from LOC that details how Newspaper Navigator came to be and how they envision this resource being a helpful research tool:

Newspaper Navigator allows users to search for visual data across newspapers from 1789-1963. This will certainly become a resource used by those doing family histories, as well as deeper historical research in general.

Jeff, South Park

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Gale Presents: Udemy

On-Demand Learning for In-Demand Skills

Built around learner engagement, Udemy’s platform offers the highest-quality content for the most in-demand skills. Users can select the instructor and content that best addresses their skills need and learning preferences and filter search results on course features, level, duration, topic, and ratings. Smart recommendations based on the learner’s previous in-app activities offer a personalized learning experience with suggested courses relevant to their interests. 

Gale Presents: Udemy* offers more than 6,000 high-quality, on-demand video courses taught by world-class instructors across 75 categories for upskilling in the areas of business, technology, and design. Patrons can also achieve personal success with courses on health and well-being, the arts, language learning, and more. 

To keep the content fresh, courses are updated with new material addressing emerging topics. In fact, 85 percent of the collection has been updated in the last two years, ensuring learners are developing skills in the most relevant areas. 

With an app for iOS and Android, users can download courses to watch offline, listen to courses with podcast-style audio, and watch courses using Chromecast or Apple TV. 

A Google or Microsoft email is needed to set up a Gale Presents: Udemy account but personal information is not shared or sold.

Log onto Gale Presents: Udemy to create an account or to find out more information.

*Content is powered by the Udemy for Business collection. 

~ Hilary Lewis, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

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